About Accreditation

Both the school and college extension programs are a part of New Life Christian Schools and Colleges International Accreditation Association (NLCSCI) was founded in 1988 mainly to accredit the schools and colleges associated with New Life Church and Ministries. Since then, it has grown to become an international accreditation association. NLCSCI accredits private Christian schools and colleges. It is not registered in any way with the public school system, or the federal government. As an extension of NLCSCI, your school or college will automatically be accredited by NLCSCI. For more information about our accreditation association, please click on the given link for that website. As a note: Having accreditation in any association, even those registered with the public school system, offers no guarantee that your students will be accepted to transfer to other public schools or colleges. We have, however, found that through the years students in our programs have mostly been accepted.

New Life Christian Schools and Colleges International

The extension school program is a part of New Life Christian Schools and Colleges International.

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Contact Us

Contact us for information.

Our phone number is 276-730-0706. Our office hours are from 10:00 to 6:00 EST.

Our fax number is 276-730-0705.

Our email address is information@newlifeextensionschools.com.

Our address is: PO Box 1268, Hillsville, VA 24343

Looking forward to hearing from you.